Gwyneth Paltrow: Actress, Scientist and Nutritionist - By Her Own Rights
Gwyneth Paltrow, on screen; good(ish) actress renowned for
her role of Pepper Potts in the Iron Man film trilogy. Off screen however, a
militant pseudoscientific nonsense-peddling maniac with the scientific knowledge
of Deepak Chopra. As a star on the big screen, many people will (and do)
idolise her, following her ‘tips’ and ‘hints’ to live a better ‘healthier life’.
Last year she was renowned for her famous conscious uncoupling from Chris Martin, although it appears that over-time she has
consciously uncoupled from reality with the most absurd of claims. The
ridiculous human, believes that organic food can ‘detox’ you and you sweat out
‘toxins’ at a ‘soul cycle’ (genuinely an exercise to ‘find and exercise the
soul’). This woman is so incorrect on everything that Timothy Caulfield has
produced a book entitled: Is Gwyneth Paltrow Wrong About Everything? In 2008, Paltrow launched her website
‘GOOP’. - Which, candidly speaking, sounds like something you call someone who
is being an absolute idiot. Or, as she puts it: Giving out guides to eating,
recipes and to sell organic municipal products. Paraphrasing, of course.
Water Has Memory…A Recall If Ever We Needed One
In 2014, Paltrow claimed to be an advocate for the knowledge
of Masaru Emoto, a ‘scientist’ who has a very low reputation in the scientific
community for publishing books on how shouting ‘bad words’ at certain
substances (such as water or rice) can make it go bad, because it remembers the
negative words it has been exposed to.
“I have long had Dr Emoto's coffee table book on how
negativity changes the structure of water, how the molecules behave differently
depending on the words or music being expressed around it.”
Another advocate of this level of
‘scientific’ knowledge is Vani Hari so you can see the direction in thinking
these people are heading. I have
discussed the ‘work’ of Emoto before in a previous blog here. But the gist
goes: get some water, shout ‘Hitler’ at one glass. Talk happy thoughts to the
other. Freeze, look at results under microscope. You will see that the
negatively exposed water has an irregular shaped crystal structure and the
positive exposed one has a beautiful composed structure. I can’t argue with
science like that.
Vaginal Steaming
Yes, you read that correctly; steaming
your vagina makes you healthy. Now, I
have been taught that the vagina is pretty self-cleaning and naturally
lubricating, but alas; Gwyneth has found a way to make it cleaner:
sit on what is essentially a mini-throne, and a
combination of infrared and mugwort steam cleanses your uterus, et al.
It is an energetic release — not just a steam douche — that balances female
hormone levels."
Infrared steam…now
there’s a scientific concept. Why do you have to aim the steam directly at your
vagina in order to balance your hormones? How on earth does she expect the steam to reach her ovaries to stimulate hormones? Not only that, why would steam stimulate the release or desorption of hormones? Also, how on earth does she think
steam is going to get to her uterus, steam…it would burn? There are a lot of
nerve endings in genitals, for the obvious reason. Having steamed them live
vegetables would hurt. But it’s okay because it is infrared water, whatever the
hell that is.
Why does her vagina
need more energy? In fact, the steam being placed where there is more mucus is
likely to enhance the chances of bacterial infections, such as a yeastinfection. From what I gather, this woman gets off on the possibility of
bacterial infections. This woman is insane.
Guide To Your Hair
Let me start straight off with a quote
taken directly from GOOP where major research scientist Gwyneth Paltrow states:
I was reading up on the subject [*of toxins in children*], I was seized with
fear about what the research said. Foetuses, infants and toddlers are basically
unable to metabolise toxins the way that adults are and we are constantly
filling our environments with chemicals that may or may not be safe. The
research is troubling; the incidence of diseases in children such as asthma,
cancer and autism have shot up exponentially and many children we all know and
love have been diagnosed with developmental issues”
‘Research’ in the terms of someone who
isn’t essentially a scientist, and has never written a scientific paper (even
at undergrad level) essentially falls into two categories:
- Google search: Blogs, opinions and overly unscientific thoughts on subjects through anecdotal evidences. Also, the interpretations of people reading scientific articles, which is worse than actually reading the article itself and coming to an incorrect conclusion.
- Google Scholar Search: May as well be a rehash of the former. Academic journals are hard for academics to sometimes read, let alone someone without a scientific education. Reading the abstracts of scientific articles is really, really not the same as reading the article.
Paltrow claims that shampoo is the
problem in society and implied a link between cancer and shampoo. I have no
idea how one would be getting shampoo onto the head of a foetus, let alone
studied it – but hey, she’s researched it so it must be true. Then again, if
you put shampoo in your steam when you steam your vagina, then by her logic you
could theoretically get it there…but in actual fact, it’s a load of bull. I’m
assuming she can only used logic such as:
Children with developmental issues have
probably used shampoo.
People with cancer have probably used
I used the word shampoo twice there, in
100% of those cases, shampoo is the cause.
- What does she wash her hair with?
Well, apparently, she washes it with hypocrisy. Her website sells ‘clean everyday shampoo’ at $20 a bottle, which contains the main constituents of most
Shes Even Into Quantum Mechanics
Any scientist knows reaching into the
depths of quantum physics is not only hard, but also ridiculously fun to study.
Gwyneth picked up that it was fun to study, but didn’t actually bother to study
"Many believe that intuition is 'woo
woo' and vague and fake. This is not the case. And now, science is proving this
through quantum physics." - Paltrow
Apparently, through the use of seeing
how chemicals react and electrons move through an atom can show how to improve
intuition. As opposed to discovering the origin of the universe with this
completely bastardised science, they decided to use it to delve into the human
psyche. No, quantum physics has nothing to do, shockingly, with chakras, auras
and intuition, which in turn, have nothing to do with science.
Is this the woman you want as a role
model for a younger generation? If your answer is still ‘yes’, then re-read
this blog until it sinks in; she an unscientific moron making absurd claims.
SHE THINKS WATER HAS MEMORY FOR PETES SAKE. There are many more claims on her
website, but I hung around that website more than I really cared too. For
example: her take on genetics or how to get ‘toxic mercury’ out of our systems,
where she claims toxic mercury in fish, water and dental fillings are killing
us by ‘primarily’ taking hold in the brain. Although I am glad she didn’t step
into the treacherous world of vaccinations, she’s already out of her depth and
probably knows it at this stage.
I get that many people follow things
like celebrity diets. Celebrities gain ground as medical advisors because of
their superior positions. But do think; many of them are not doctors, they’re
not scientifically educated and they are most definitely not dieticians.
Dieticians study to become healthcare professionals; nutritionists (such as Patrol
and Hari) don’t know anything about food other than the disproved mantra ‘organic
is health’. Whilst these stupid celebrity diets and claims may seem helpful and
healthy, cutting out wheat, gluten and dairy products can cause a variety of
issues in people who do not need to cut it out. This is an abuse of power and
position. If this woman spared one minute to think about the impact of what she is saying and doing, or
spent a little time allowing for a psych evaluation, she, and people who follow/believe her, would be much better